Bridgend MP, Jamie Wallis, is to host a public meeting on Zoom for residents in Brackla that are concerned about the feasibility study being done to build a new school.
Commenting on the meeting, Jamie said: “Many local residents in your area have brought to my attention a letter you may have received in the past few days from Bridgend County Borough Council regarding a feasibility study being undertaken to locate a new school site on land near to your property.
“Although at this stage, this is only a feasibility study, I think it is crucial that local people like you make your voices heard on this matter during the early stages of any potential development.
“That’s why I’m hosting a meeting via Zoom this Monday, 31st August at 6:30pm to discuss the plans with residents in your area, to gauge the strength of feeling on this issue locally and to discuss the next steps. It’s my job to help and advise you.
“I have written to those in the immediately affected area personally today. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the resources to write to everyone in Brackla at short notice, but the meeting is open to all residents, so if you want to join me on Monday, please email me at and I can then supply you with the Zoom details. You can also request details for this meeting by calling my office on 01656 330142.I’m looking forward to speaking with as many of you as possible on Monday.”