Local Economy

Kenfig Bus Service

I have written to Bridgend County Borough Council to highlight the concerns of residents in Kenfig about the lack of bus services in their area. It is crucial that every area has access to suitable transport links, to access medical services as well as shops and leisure facilities.

Kickstart Scheme Success in Wales

The Kickstart scheme has been very well received in Bridgend and Porthcawl. I have met with employers across the area, including Parkdean, which operates Trecco Bay, to discuss how it can be used to provide jobs for young people in Bridgend and Porthcawl. I am pleased to hear that they are delighted with the success of the scheme to date.

Small Business Saturday

From corner shops to cafes, small businesses are the backbone of our economy and local communities across the country. Small Business Saturday is our chance to celebrate the incredible work they do.