Local MP, Jamie Wallis has raised his concerns that a controversial planning application has been submitted at a time when residents are worried about the Coronavirus.
A planning application for 74 dwellings has been submitted to Bridgend County Borough Council for consideration and Jamie Wallis MP is urging residents to make their voices heard as a way to make the council listen to them.
Jamie held a public meeting on this issue in Newton last month with more than 100 people attending and many concerns were raised about the prospect of this development.
Commenting on the news that a planning application has been submitted, Jamie said: “Despite COVID-19 Taylor Wimpey have decided to submit this application at a time when it will be difficult to mobilise public opposition but we won’t let our serious concerns go unheard.
“I will be taking everything that I learned during the public meeting as well as feedback provided to me directly from constituents and making sure it’s heard.
“I’ll vociferously speak up for the Newton community however difficult that is during the lockdown.”
The planning application number is P/20/263/FUL and make sure you have your say and include the reference when corresponding with the council.