Bridgend MP, Jamie Wallis has signed up to BAVO to volunteer with their telephone befriending service during the Coronavirus crisis.
Commenting on the success of this initiative, Jamie said: “For those of you that want to help volunteering but can’t go out, BAVOhave set up a telephone befriending service.
“This is where you will call a vulnerable or shielded resident a few times a week to check-in on them and that no one is feeling lonely during this crisis.
“I signed up to this and have been calling my assigned resident most days to make sure they have what they need and to generally just chat about anything and everything.
“This is proving to be so worthwhile and people are genuinely made-up that someone is remembering them during this pandemic.
“Now, more than ever, we need to do all we can to make sure that those without friends and family to support them are cared for.
“Tackling loneliness during this crisis is one of the most important things we can do as a society.
“You can sign up by going to their Facebook page and you can also sign up to Porthcawl Covid 19 Strategy Group too.
“As ever, if you have any concerns or would like to raise something with me, please email me on”
You can see a video from my Facebook page below.