Guidance for employees impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
There will be a significant impact on employees and the self-employed who are asked to self-isolate if they have symptoms of the virus, or if others in their household do, or if they take time off sick with the virus. Every person who takes these steps helps ensure lives are saved and that must be supported.
The Government guidance for employees linked below includes the following:
The document below – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Financial Fact Sheet – includes advice for employees, self-employed, businesses as updated on the 19th.
The overall advice is provided here and will be updated as new advice is provided.
Last updated 20th March
Latest COVID-19 News
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- Bridgend Vaccination Update- February 2022A huge thank you to everyone in Bridgend assisting in the vaccination rollout. It remains the safest way to protect our community from COVID- 19.
- Bridgend Vaccination UpdateI have liaised with Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board to provide a COVID vaccination update for Bridgend.
- Testing Removed for Fully Vaccinated TravellersI welcome the UK Government’s announcement to remove all testing measures for fully vaccinated travellers from the 11th of February.
- Wales COVID Rules UpdateThe Welsh Government have updated the COVID rules in Wales.